Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Temporary Move

Hey there!  If you've been following you've noticed I haven't posted in a while.  

Check out the new location of all things Fitness in Reality at

under the drop-down menu heading "Fitness in Reality", obviously.

The Instagram feed @fitnessinreality is still going strong.

I'm still posting inspiring and informational content plus workouts, but I needed it to mesh more seamlessly into my life in general, so this is the solution!  We'll be back, but don't lose touch!

Thanks for following!

Monday, March 9, 2015

My Workout Playlist

Many people run for the solitude and time to think. I spend the better part of each day listening to crickets and my own zany and scattered thoughts...For me exercise is a time to stop thinking and let go. Stop scaring myself.  Or talking to myself.

My playlist reads like a sampling buffet, from Weezer to T.I. to T Swift and everything in between.

I prefer mindless lyrics and a beat that shakes my bones.  I also like it loud, but unless I'm indoors, I keep it down so I can hear the goings-on of the traffic around me.  Safety first.

I just let the beat wash over me, and put all my deeper thoughts and problems on the back burner while I enjoy a good sweat sesh.

Remember to download only "clean" or "radio edit" versions, because nothing stops you in your tracks like a well-placed expletive. Amazon.com offers radio edits for most popular songs.

Here's a selection of my current favorites:

"Boom Clap" by Charlie XCX
"Make It Bun Dem" by Damian Marley & Skrillex
"Fancy" by Iggy Azalea feat. Charlie XCX
"Sure Shot" by The Beastie Boys
"Team" by Lorde
"The Walker" by Fitz & The Tantrums
"That's Not My Name" by The Ting Tings
"UpTown Funk" by Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars
"The Geeks Were Right" by The Faint

And here's a little video link to brighten your day, when this one comes on I keep hitting repeat.  I'm gonna go practice my dance moves 'til I'm smoother than a fresh jar of Skippy - ow!

Ski Boot Camp Workout #9 - Legs, Shoulders, Core

We are on Week 8 of Ski Boot Camp already!  Only 3 workouts left!! (this being one of them)

I hope you are feeling stronger and more fit!  
Are your lungs burning? Are your legs on fire? 
Good!  I'm doing my job.

Here's the workout, targeting legs, shoulders, and more core.  
Don't forget stretching and cardio. 

Alternating Step-back Lunges, with weights

Alternating Plank Row, with weights

Drop Squats
spend more time low, and pop up & down quickly

Prone Leg-Swings 
straight leg, swing fast!

Lunge w/Shoulder Raise, with weights

Plank 2-footed Side Hops
hop up to your right hand, back to plank, then up to left hand


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Throw-back-Thursday: First Triathlon

Let's go back...way back.  2005 was my first triathlon, a family reunion activity that my parents arranged for us.  It came at a time that I really needed to focus on my physical & mental well-being, having three kids under the age of 5.  

We trained and took turns watching the kids.  It was a very symbiotic time.  He really sacrificed for me and it deepened our roots.

 My husband, sister, my dad, &  my temporarily crippled brother & I all competed.  It was so much fun.  I love the picture with my dad running out in front, with my brother filming, and my sister running with my baby, because it shows so well the support my family is & always has been for each other.

And with this cutie-pie cheering section, we were pumped all the way.

I finished loving every mile, and wishing I'd signed up for the longer Olympic distance.  I knew I'd be back someday.  My competitive streak runs deep.

I have not run a race since, and I have biked only one non-competitive event.  But this kick-started my love of biking and my need for time to recapture my sanity each day.  There's a time and season for everything, and I have been patiently waiting and watching for when the time is right.  It's getting close, and I'm getting really excited about turning 40.  I'm feeling a half- or full-ironman in my future.

Surround yourself with people who support you, encourage your efforts, celebrate you, and help you fulfill your dreams.  And do the same for someone else.  Together, nothing can stop you.

Cheer someone on today!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Rest Day Reality

Typically my rest days are Sundays.  It's a natural break point for me, being Sunday and all.  But lately I've been resting like 2-3 days a week.

I've had a lot going on, with a surgery in the family, a weekend with the youth, appointments, and the craziness that is having teenage daughters with lives, social calendars, and bedtimes of their own.  Most of the time I use exercise as time for me.  It peps me up, helps me feel good about myself with all the natural endorphins circulating.  But sometimes I question whether or not I have actually got the time.

The ironing is piled to the ceiling, the bathrooms need cleaning, the cars need oil, taxes need filing, I can't even wade through the disaster that is the storage side of my basement, my day is half-way gone before I realize it, and I find myself hacking activities that don't help accomplish these things, or sitting in front of the computer willing it all to go away.  You are familiar with this? I thought so.

There's also this:

And the lesson ends up being that no matter how much time I think I'll save by skipping a work out, it ends up being the thing I'm most disappointed about from the entire day.  It's the biggest thing on my list that didn't get done.  It's the thing that drives me the most mad when the kids are home and I've missed my window, makes me the most disappointed in myself, and turns me into the Hulk that just wishes everyone would just go to bed already.

I know I Instagrammed that I just couldn't do it today, but I think I've talked myself down from that ledge.  I'm going to go work off some cake.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Practice Yoga at Home - Your Body Will Thank You

I know I already tol' ya about my love of yoga, but I'm just going to waggle it in front of your nose again.

Yoga is awesome.  And you don't have to join a gym or a studio, or fumble around trying to make stuff up as you go.  If you're like me you can think of about 3 stretching moves.  I need guidance.  And the cheaper the better.

My favorite way to do yoga is at home, using Yoga Studio App, info here. It is $5 and has unlimited classes in varied lengths, focuses, & intensities.  The Runners Stretch classes are the bomb after a run or bike.

I also occasionally enjoy a $5 class at my local gym.  Yes, I will go into a gym for classes, but that's it.  I like it because they crank up the heat in the room and it is so warm and cozy, my muscles just melt like butter on a hot pancake, or like warm taffy, or a melty chocolate chip in a warm cookie...what was I talking about?  Oh yeah, warm yoga.  Bliss.

My sister sent me this great article from Huffington Post, 9 Great Yoga YouTube Channels.

The only one I have experience with is the Tara Styles channel and I really really love her classes.  She has a really casual approach, making yoga something everyone can do, even if your pose is not perfect.  It's a more organic feel, with movement, rocking, loosening, and flow.  And her voice is really soothing.

I believe that Yoga is an essential part of fitness.  Repetitive movements from the exercises we favor create muscles that are reluctant to stretch and move in other ways.  This applies to body builders, runners, bikers, HIITers, cross-fitters, swimmers, & triathletes.  Even basketball, football, etc.  Yoga also improves balance, coordination, & overall strength.  For our Summer Slim Down challenge, do a few minutes of Yoga after your 60 minutes of cardio.

Having long and limber muscles & tendons helps prevent injury by making our bodies resilient.  So when you slip on ice, arms and legs flailing wildly to keep your balance, you don't end up with a pulled hammy, or torqued back.  Think nimble, like a cat.

Yoga also relieves the tension that we carry in our muscles, that create pains in our backs, necks, shoulders, hips, etc.  Women particularly carry their stress in their hips in the form of tightness.  My favorite pose for hips is "Shoelace".  It's magic.

One of my goals for this year is to do Monkey. The splits, in layman's terms, but Monkey just sounds so darn yogi-ish and non-gymnasticky (yay for made up words).  Unfortunately I come from a long line of inflexible ancestors.  That's why it's a long-term goal.

Some argue that yoga isn't really a workout, but I can attest to the fact that if you put all your effort into it, keep your muscles engaged, and breathe, you will be sweating and muscles quivering by the time you're done with a 30-60 minute sesh.  Especially if you are in a hot room.  But keep in mind that not everything that is beneficial for your body requires sweating.  Isn't that refreshing?

Shed some tension today!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Ski Boot Camp Workout #8 - Abs & Arms

30 seconds each - Repeat 3 times
Difficulty Suggestions:
Abs exercises on your back are harder if you put your hands behind your head a raise your head
Easier on your lower back if you put your hands under you palms down under your booty.

Plank is harder if you keep your hands directly below your shoulders and your hips down.
Easier, see video :)

Muscle trembling or shaking is good.  It means you are working those abs, so keep going!

Plank Jump In
Flutter Kick
Plank Jack
Reverse Crunch
Plank Arm Leg Raise
Kick Downs