Thursday, March 5, 2015

Throw-back-Thursday: First Triathlon

Let's go back...way back.  2005 was my first triathlon, a family reunion activity that my parents arranged for us.  It came at a time that I really needed to focus on my physical & mental well-being, having three kids under the age of 5.  

We trained and took turns watching the kids.  It was a very symbiotic time.  He really sacrificed for me and it deepened our roots.

 My husband, sister, my dad, &  my temporarily crippled brother & I all competed.  It was so much fun.  I love the picture with my dad running out in front, with my brother filming, and my sister running with my baby, because it shows so well the support my family is & always has been for each other.

And with this cutie-pie cheering section, we were pumped all the way.

I finished loving every mile, and wishing I'd signed up for the longer Olympic distance.  I knew I'd be back someday.  My competitive streak runs deep.

I have not run a race since, and I have biked only one non-competitive event.  But this kick-started my love of biking and my need for time to recapture my sanity each day.  There's a time and season for everything, and I have been patiently waiting and watching for when the time is right.  It's getting close, and I'm getting really excited about turning 40.  I'm feeling a half- or full-ironman in my future.

Surround yourself with people who support you, encourage your efforts, celebrate you, and help you fulfill your dreams.  And do the same for someone else.  Together, nothing can stop you.

Cheer someone on today!

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