Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Adventures with Kids

Sometimes fitness is about alone time.  I cherish it as much as the next mom.  But some of my most enjoyable "exercising" has been with my kids.

I have three daughters, ages 10, 12 and 14.  They are strong, smart, funny, bossy, fashion-conscious, sensitive, sweet, kind, and like all kids, sometimes l-a-z-y.

So I do what I can to get them outside on those days when they don't have school and have absolutely no reason to put down Netflix and look out the window.

If I can get past the whining and complaining about why on earth do they have to get up and do anything on their "day off", we end up having a stellar time soaking in the beauty of the outdoors, or sometimes indoors.

Fitness is not always about lifting weights, counting miles, counting heartbeats, or obligation. Fitness can be fun, spontaneous, and a way to experience the world around you.  All while connecting with the people you love most.

One of the easiest things to do where we live is to go hiking.  We are minutes away from the mountains and a myriad of trails.  There is plenty to keep kids interested and engaged and exploring.  Sometimes we hike to a goal like an outcropping or waterfall, sometimes we just wander.  We always feel restored and reconnected after getting outside together.

Sometimes the weather isn't very cooperative, or we are hankering after something a little different.  One of our other favorite activities is to go indoor rock-climbing.  There are several gyms near us, as I'm sure there are near you.  Challenging climbing routes are endless, colored holds provide direction and goals, rather than just scurrying up randomly.  Belaying, rappelling, bouldering, and crack climbing teach valuable skills in reliability, safety, team work, stretching your limits, and learning new things.

In our family, rock-climbing is a three-generation activity.  My kids and I eagerly look forward to going climbing with Grandma & Grandpa!  How many kids can say that?  I really want to be that kind of grandma, the kind my own mom & grandma have shown me how to be: involved, active, ready to try new things, enjoy spending time with kids & grand-kids, and to challenge the stereotype at every turn.

My reality has shown me that fitness comes in a vast array of forms, and continues throughout a full and active life.  What better way to teach your kids that than to bring them along on your adventures?

Enjoy those kids, you won't be attached at the hip forever!

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