Thursday, February 19, 2015

Running on a full stomach...and never say never

Today I put off exercise until after lunch, after driving into SLC to pick up some compression socks.  More on that later.  So I ate some crab/pepper salad, low fat, high protein, great food.  Waited an hour, and went running.


It wasn't pretty.  My limbs felt like lead, I was running hunched over like a granny, my stride was short and stunted, eyes staring at the ground.  I didn't hurl, but it was close.  I knew this would happen.  I should have remembered.  I do better on a fasting run, either before I have breakfast or at least two hours after I last ate/drank. Be smarter than me & follow your body's rules.

The song that got me through was "Black Widow" by Iggy Azalea.  Radio edit, of course.  Nothing speaks to my running-soul like a heavy beat.

I also got up this morning with really fantastic intentions.  Sometimes (today) I say "I'm not eating a speck of sugar or a piece of bread all day".  Yay me & self-control.  And inevitably, this happens:

The sweetest gift from my hubby's co-workers after his disc replacement surgery last week, along with a giant fruit bouquet.  Why should I say no? An occasional dose of "thank you very much" works wonders for your mind and body.  

Don't reach for the already-open-six-month-old bag of generic chocolate chips just because it's 3 pm.  Wait for it. Save up.  For when it's a surprise.  For when it's going to be good.  And totally worth every calorie,  Like these chocolate dipped fruits.  My body and mind are saying thank you in at least seven different languages, instead of cursing the gut-ache that comes from low-quality unsatisfying sugar leavings.

#sugarfreefebruary is an experiment, to let you know how you feel when you've got syrup in your veins versus when you don't.  Trust me, you'll feel better with less.  But not none. 

What's the take-away?  Strengthen your body every day.  Don't waste calories on processed, white, sugary junk.  And when it's special, go for it.  Your healthy body can handle it.

And don't run after eating crab salad.  Blerg.

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